10 Gardner Road
Epsom, Auckland 1023
Gardner Road Kindergarten
Learning for life. Learning they love
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Transition to
We'll help your child prepare for the demands of school through our semi-structured environment
"All activities allow me to develop my curiosity, my imagination and through my enjoyment, my concentration.
Talk to me about them and my language will grow too."
The transition from Kindergarten to school can be a challenging experience.
We want your child to have fun and get them ready to become a confident and competent learner during their school years.
Our “Transition to school programme” helps to make this journey as smooth as possible.
It provides a variety of experiences for your child, so they can learn to make sense of their world.
It is important that children embrace new challenges, learn to co-operate with each other and set goals for themselves.
What is the transition to school programme?
The moment your child walks through our door, they begin their transition to school by learning how to:
Hang up their bag
Say goodbye
Settle into an activity
Form friendships with peers
Go to the toilet and wash their hands before eating
Manage their lunchboxes, shoes and clothing
When they turn 4, it is time for them to build on this and participate firstly in group activities (Group 2) and then our Big People's programme.
They will get to enjoy excursions and outings on the bus, impromptu walks to the park and around the surrounding neighbourhood, as well as inhouse visits.
Big Peoples
At around 4 and a half, your child will begin "Big Peoples".
“Big Peoples” is a teacher-led group activity designed to prepare children for the classroom environment.
In this small group environment, the teacher directs and helps children with drawing and writing activities to develop listening skills, pre-reading skills, mathematics skills, art and language.
It also encourages them to ask questions and gain an understanding of how ideas can be expressed in language and pictures.
The children record their work in a "Big Peoples" book to take home when they leave kindergarten for school.
Group 2
From around the age of 4 your child will participate in a small group activity once a week.
This work includes photos/drawings/artwork etc. which is filed into their portfolios.
This is a time when they learn to work together on a common task in a group, developing good relationships with others, sharing ideas, problem solving as a group and listening to each others ideas.
Day trips
At least once a term, we venture out of the kindergarten on a bus excursion that offers real life learning experiences.
We often go on impromptu visits around the neighbourhood and to One Tree Hill.
This helps them experience the outdoors and community. It also builds resilience by learning outside the comfort zone of Kindergarten.
In house visitors
Each term we invite different education programmes to come into our Kindergarten such as Science in a Van or Pet Safari.
The children experience and make discoveries and learn about the world around them.
This forms the basis of recalling, retelling and sharing their opinion in our Big Peoples environment and mat times.
Local Walks
Having One Tree Hill on our doorstep, we love to go and explore our local Maunga as often as we can.
We often go on impromptu walks and the children love climbing over the turnstyles and the freedom of running through the grassy areas.
Each season is different with lambs in Spring, and falling leaves in Autumn, there is always something different to see and explore.